It’s College Time!

It’s College Time!

My oldest daughter is off to college today.  So, here are some interesting facts about college: In the U.S. 88% of adults over 25 have graduated high school while 32.5% have a bachelor’s degree and just 12% have a graduate degree. Do those undergrad and grad...
When Avocados Attack

When Avocados Attack

Avocados are everywhere! On toast! In guacamole! In smoothies! On burgers! In quinoa salads! In tacos! Here are some facts about avocados: Americans on average eat 7 pounds of avocado annually as compared to one pound in 1989. Per-capita avocado consumption has...
Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Psychopath and sociopath are pop psychology terms for what psychiatry calls antisocial personality disorder. People with this disorder tend to disregard and violate the rights of others around them and lack empathy.  In her book The Sociopath Next Door Dr. Martha...
Solar Eclipse Viewing Safety

Solar Eclipse Viewing Safety

Unless you live in a cave, you are aware that a full solar eclipse is occurring across a narrow band of the U.S. on Monday the 21st.  Here’s a prior IFOD on the eclipse with map and some info: Safety Tips from...
How to be Happier

How to be Happier

So, what makes us happy and what can we do to be happier? Research has shown that greater happiness has beneficial and tangible benefits, including: larger social rewards (higher odds of marriage, lower odds of divorce, more friends, stronger social support, richer...

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