Dog Years

Dog Years

While it is true that dogs age at a different rate than humans, the “one human year equals seven dog years” rule of thumb is not close to accurate.  Dogs can reproduce at one year of age and some dogs live 20 years. If the 1-to-7 ratio were correct, then...
Déjà vu

Déjà vu

Do you think you have read this blog post before? Déjà vu is a freaky experience. Déjà vu describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. Is it just your mind playing tricks on you?  Is it a blip in the matrix?...
Matter and Antimatter Asymmetry

Matter and Antimatter Asymmetry

The very early universe (within the first fraction of second after the big bang)  consisted of energy and particles of matter and antimatter. According to theory, confirmed by experiments at particle colliders, matter and antimatter particles are always produced as a...
Rewiring our Brains

Rewiring our Brains

For decades, the prevailing dogma in neuroscience was that the adult human brain is immutable and unchangeable.  By the time we reach adulthood it was thought that we were pretty much stuck with what we have brainwise.  The thought was that if one cluster of neurons...
A (sort of) Related Chain of Facts

A (sort of) Related Chain of Facts

Today’s IFOD is a chain of facts, loosely related. Fact Number One: Every human born prior to 1898 has died. The total number of human beings who have died: about 100 billion. Fact Number Two: It is estimated that the cause of death for about half of those 100...

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